Monday, July 16, 2012

Hot Hot weekend

The heat started out as a good thing initially.  As I mentioned before, the air in my side of the building was broken.  Fortunately I am stationed right outside of my boss' office, and he was equally hot... meaning he got fed up with it and we both took an early weekend!  I have to say, hes great for those sort of things, I am pretty bad at leaving work or taking time off and probably would have stayed here if he didn't make me!

So I took my early day and decided to go straight to the barn.  I took Bentley down to the creek with a camp chair, book, and refreshments in hand.  I plunked my seat down in the creek and let him graze.  He was pretty good, but got distracted a few times by the herd of horses and walked over to see if they would accept him into their club.  Not the case... the tiny pony Cindy was by far the worst and charged him away. 

I went home and cleaned myself up a bit while Bentley ate his dinner.  The kids were planning a hoedown so I had promised to return!  When I came back, everyone screamed my name with delight as I walked down the drive.  Love these girls!  They are always so welcoming and the whole barn has become such a family.  Its quite a wonderful environment to ride in.

Saturday was the annual sale at Bahr's.  I had intended on going there to get 20% off supplements and a tub of Furazone, maybe a lead rope because mine has a tendency to disappear.  Including those, I also found myself leaving with a pair of $200 dress boots.  I had recently taken my aukens in to get quoted on the zippers replaced and had been quoted $120.  Yikes!  I wasn't going to spend that much on a pair of boots that were $160 new.  So although $200 seemed like a lot for someone who only intends on only doing "some" eventing, I reasoned that it was not much more than fixing the ones I already had.  Plus, these boots were incredibly beautiful, well made and soft, and lots of foot support, clearly they had to be almost half off!  They surely felt like they were made custom for me.  I have big feet and small ankles then big calves again (we call these endurance or dressage calves haha), so I have a difficult time finding fit for ANY boots.  So I forked over the $200, and on the way home, I was curious enough as to what the new price was on these.  Here's what I got:
Ok I feel a little better about forking over seemingly big cash :)

After that, it was off to Flesherton for Linda to ride in the CTR, I was going as pit crew.  Both days were so stinking hot, I was dunking my shirt in the water trough hourly to try and cool myself even a little bit.  Luckily i had also brought freezies, so that helped me a little!  Things went pretty smooth for us, Linda came in off each loop smiling, Sable aka I'm No Angel is becoming the opposite of her name.  It sounded like the terrain was really tough.  Those who were in the open category had an away vet check and hold, so it was pretty quiet for us back at the site. 

It sounded like there were lots of pulls for lots of reasons but I am not too sure of the exact stats yet. 

Linda placed first despite a few points taken off for a girth sore and some scrapes on the inside of her front legs.  We think this may be interference from the easyboots as she isn't used to wearing them quite yet.  Oh and did I mention?  Linda lost one boot in the creek on the first loop and was able to dig it up on the second!  Wonderful not to lose one of those!

 We stuck around for the awards, and our group did very well indeed! It seemed like everyone who won were close friends of ours, the usual suspects who spend the evenings around our table. Or maybe that's more a sign that we are very quickly becoming friends with everyone in the sport, which is just as wonderful!

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