Friday, April 13, 2012

Playing with Numbers - GEC Mileage program

I am a very calculating person, when I drive places, I take note of the exits and calculate my time to my destination.  When I am sweeping the barn, I count my strokes.  And when I have something on my mind, like training or budgeting, I like to calculate different circumstances to see how I can reach my goals.

So for those of you who have signed up for the mileage program, here are some scenarios.

# 1 - ride every day starting Apr 9th, ride 1 mile per day in April, 2 miles per day in May, 3 per day in June and so forth.  Never missing a day and following this pattern lands you 675 miles at the end of the year, 737 points.

#2 - Ride one a week after your lesson to cool out for 1 mile, and once a week doing a 10 mile ride (which is realistic for an hour and a half to two hours of riding).  286 miles, and 259 points.  Are you starting to see the value in the milestones yet?

#3 - 3 miles every other day. 270 miles, 256 points.

#4 - Starting the program in may, and doing the same thing as #1 (only starting with 1 mile per day in May, 2 in June and so on) 494 miles, 300 points.  Wow what a difference from #1!  enough to get your entries in asap right?

#5 - Starting the program tomorrow (Saturday the 14th) and riding a 2 mile ride twice a week, and a 10 mile ride once a week until June.  Then up your weeklies to 3 and 15 until August, then up to 4 and 20 until the end of the season.  Whoa not only must you be committed to distance riding, but you will have 563 miles, 714 points, and 4 days a week for you and your horse to relax! 

That's a good point right there, its important for you to let your horse and you have a break.  Give them a vacation here and there to recover from stiff muscles, sore backs and exhaustion.  After a long ride, don't you like to sleep in the next day?  Hence why #1 and #4 are purely statistical.  Also, don't always work hard at your rides.  Sometimes just go out for a nice walk so your horse doesn't look at hitting the trails to be work, but also a chance for fun!

Any other situations you want me to calculate out?  I made up a great spreadsheet to track you all and I can run any situation oh so quickly ;)

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