Wednesday, June 20, 2012

10 Reasons You (the hunter, jumper or whatever) should try distance riding

  1. You already have a horse that can do it.  With the right conditioning, there is no wrong breed of horse, especially in the shorter distances, its about the work that you put in, not buying the 6 figure show mount. PLUS you already have all the tack you need no matter what discipline you come from.  Saddle comfy?  Bridle works?  ASTM approved helmet?  You are in!  How easy was that?
  2. Rides start as low as 12 miles.  How far is 12 miles?  About 2 hours of working walk, trot and maybe some canter thrown in.  I know a ton of schoolies who already do that on a daily basis!
  3. Freedom of expression.  No stuffy show jackets or attire rules favoring tradition over function.  Welcome modern materials, colours, and personality into everything.  You will never have last years saddle pad, a bad colour horse, or the wrong type of equipment. 
  4. Biothane tack.  Did I mention freedom of expression?  You should SEE the colours on this stuff!  I know how much you must be longing for colour. Not to mention, all you have to do to clean it is hose it down.  Goodbye to the 36289 leather products in your basement!
  5. Trim your waistlines, clear your mind.  You both get in shape, look awesome, and enjoy a break from your ordinary routine.  Plus eat whatever you want and tell people you are "trying to move up a weight division for CTR"  Its a good strategy right?
  6. Tons of time to work on your equitation, I'm talking hours and hours. And if you are doing something wrong, boy will your body ever let you know!
  7. Camping with your horse.  Its very relaxing falling asleep in a tent listening to your horse happily munching on hay.  I know a lot of you pay for this anyway, why not get some credit for it?
  8. The eye-pop, jaw-drop look on peoples faces when you tell them you completed 12, 25, 50, 100 miles last weekend, and of course you just act like its no big deal.
  9. Economical decision.  Horse show- Spend $200+ on entry fees, ride for 20 minutes for a measly ribbon if you are lucky.  Distance ride - $50-120 on entry fees.... RIDE ALL DAY
  10. Everyone there wants you to complete your course happy and healthy, and is ready waiting to share a beer with you at the finish line.

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