So far so good with daily blogging ;)
I rode again yesterday, but that wasnt the big change at the barn. Lets give this a bit of back story before the big news. I had bought a saddle with all the trimmings in the parking lot of our local Tim Hortons yesterday. Hmm, come to think about it all sorts of "trades" seem to go on there, yet wondering eyes still looked at me funny as I moved saddle from one trunk to another. Anyways, it had everything but a girth, so when I arrived at the barn, I immediately started searching for the girth that always seems to be floating around and nobody seems to know who it belongs to. Looking on top and around all the tack lockers, something didnt seem right, a saddle and rack was missing... for a very important horse. I looked in the locker associated with it... empty. I think I know what happened.
After I had brought B in, Laura greeted me and confirmed my suspicions. Fraser was gone. Packed up for a 7.5 hour trailer ride just that day. I had known he was for sale and had been actively searching for a new home for him, but I had always assumed he would stay close or end up with friends. It was disappointing to not be able to say goodbye to him. It was still very shocking. I will miss him deeply and really hope that he has gone to a great home.
Fraser and I shared a lot of good memories. I had been riding him off and on for a year and in that time he taught me about gaited horses and boosted my confidence after so many years out of the saddle, and I taught him to jump (even got up to 2'6" oxer! Not bad for a couple of oddballs). We competed and happily placed last in almost all our schooling shows (no... rocky mountain horses dont make good hunters) We rode countless trails and bounded over logs and streams. And a good part of all that was done bareback. We even dressed up for halloween and made one hell of a "Black Tie Affair" couple after scooting around the ring pole bending, barrel racing and jumping. I tell you, that horse looks damn good in a top hat and bow tie. I know he will make his new human partner the happiest rider alive.
Sorry B, you gotta earn your stripes before you get a post like this!
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