Well I figured its about time I start a blog. I decided to call it "Someone Like Me" (cue that line in Kings of Leon's Use Somebody)because I don't want to have a theme or restrictions to what I write. I want to use this as a way to share what is going on in my life to friends and family as well as reflect and keep track of what I have done or just simple musings. If you are a stranger here, welcome! I am happy to share my experiences with you too if you are someone like me.
It will largely be about me and my horse as I train him. I am also hoping to write about all the other things I love... food, music, photography, nature. Whatever I feel like.
So as I mentioned before, I will probably end up talking a lot about my horse and that's how I intend to start things out. For those who do not know me or have been following my progress, I bought a 3.5 year old Arab x Trakehner at the beginning of December. He was unbroke and very nervous at the time (could barely even pet him, he would flinch!) and I kind of expected he wouldn't be ready to ride until spring. Well he proved he just wanted some attention and became so easy to train! This is the first horse I am training from square one, so sometimes he trains me instead (when I am willing to listen haha). Could very well be the most open relationship I have had with a horse when it comes to communication, its very neat. Ok non-horsey people you can stop laughing now at how I describe us. No hes not my boyfriend haha.
Anyways, under 2 months now and we attempted our first canter last night. I wont bore you with everything that led up to this point, but it was a huge step for us! I have been riding him in a nurtural bridle (http://www.nurturalhorse.com/buyBitlessBridle/index.shtml) and a treeless saddle for only about 2-3 weeks. I wasn't expecting anything easy as he LOVES to trot and when I am working with him on the ground it takes a lot of work to get him out of a trot, but he got it almost immediately and with enthusiasm! The arena is so small, we had difficulty with our turns as we were pretty speedy at first, but once he figured out he had done the right thing and I determined I could try and collect him without going back to the trot, he became very relaxed and more like a rocking horse, using his back end easier and accepting my leg and we got a full lap of the ring. Here is the video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7rDpCPQces&feature=plcp&context=C36c8b73UDOEgsToPDskKPXTTAO5zca25eQvc8XVUU
We also cantered the other direction as well, but no video of that. Just as good, but again, we have difficulty making our turns at first. We will work on this as we settle into our rhythm! I didn't want to pull too much on his head or use too much leg to have him start confusing the signals, I was just happy to get transitions correct!
Its a very incredible feeling to feel your horse canter for the first time under you. I suspect its something like hearing your child's voice for the first time. You know and love the creature and you spend so much time looking forward to the day when they take that big step, but have no clue what the outcome will be. You can kind of see into their personality once you feel their movement and it becomes a very tight bond. Very sappy, but thats what I feel!
You cant wipe the smile off my face :)
Whoops Lee uploaded the wrong video, thats just us trotting. Canter video will come soon.
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