Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bentley likes jumps... perhaps too much!

So as I mentioned before, I have started taking Bentley over some small jumps to get him used to the idea.

Last night after a hack in the fields with Heather, we did a crossrail out in the ring before we moved into the lower indoor arena where the footing is better and since it was getting pretty dark.  We didn't have a lot of time as a lesson was moving in there, but we wanted to try a little line that was set up already.  Off the top of my head, I am remember it as a 12" vertical, 3 strides to perhaps a 15" vertical.  Nothing to get excited about.  Or so I thought.

Bentley easily went over the first time but was starting to get that head-to-the-outside-stiff-necked-ignoring-all-commands sort of excitement.  Especially as we would turn in the direction of the minuscule jumps.  Liz was there and suggested some different circle patterns since we weren't having much luck circling.  Why?  Because when we circle in front of the jump, he would just ignore the inside rein and trot himself right up to the jump, resulting in my last minute attempts to snap him away (they were successful but never fun!)  Perhaps this is why my back is bugging me today.  It was slow motion calm bolting.  Never thought those words went together haha.

Eventually he cooled down about the jumping, and we walked and trotted over the jumps.  He did knock it down once, so I dismounted and put it back up.  As I remounted, Bentley decides hes going to walk off with me on his side, turn around and walk over the line of jumps.  Silly horse!  I couldn't help but laugh.

We got booted out of that ring for the lesson that was coming in, and made our way to what I am going to call the trot ring (because we aren't capable of cantering around the tight turns its so small!)  After about 1/2 an hour of trying to help Michelle get her new project -  "investment" as he shall be referred to - through the door, we were able to resume our ride.

I set up a jump down the centreline as a small crossrail.  And yup, as I went to mount... AGAIN he decides to practise walking over the jump.  We weren't even facing toward it, he just made a walking bee-line for it as I mounted.  Silly horse.

We jumped it a few times, raised it to a vertical which was maybe 2' or 2'3" to give him a bit more of a challenge (he doesn't really jump the little ones)  A short distance with a half stride the first time, then progressively better.  He started to get excited again so some circles before one more jump and it was perfect!  Ended it there and the happy horse stood quietly for the rest of the night while I cleaned my tack locker.

He is such a fun boy!

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