Monday, October 15, 2012

Bentley on Trial

I was delighted on Saturday morning to look at my blackberry and find an email from someone responding to my partboard ad.

I honestly didn't think that I would get any responses because what I want out of a partboarder is a difficult bill to fill.  Big things are that they wouldn't be able to show, have enough experience that they can handle him if he has a youngster moment and they won't take away from how I am training him, and lastly that they wouldn't be able to jump for a few months until I have schooled him enough to know that he a) wont be stupid and b) his leg can handle it.

I find most of the people who want to partboard want to do so because they want a horse to show, so I wasn't expecting much.

They were able to come that day on my lunch break, and Bentley behaved so well.  He did do that turning to the outside thing when he went to canter clockwise, but other than that and a lot of farting, he was a great boy.  They (like most people) cant believe how quiet yet responsive he is for his age and experience.

Of course, they loved him.  Anyone who gets on him loves him, its just the way he is.  I was happy to tell them that if they choose Bentley, I would be comfortable riding him.  Now they get to decide if they want a horse whose inexperience actually helps to point out if you have riding flaws (hes my best coach that way!) or if they want more of a packer.  It would actually be 2 people partboarding, mother and daughter if they do decide to go with him, which is nice because I am more comfortable with an adult always being present.

It also gave me hope that perhaps there is a market for him out there!  I guess I will keep him advertised and see what sort of attention he gets.  Just gotta get them out there to try him, hes so easy to fall for.

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