Friday, March 23, 2012

First Published Article

For those of you who arent members of the Ontario Equestrian Federation, here is my first published article.  Published in Whoa! Magazine, March 2012.  The magazine reaches thousands of readers across Ontario, anyone who competes in equestrian diciplines.

Crossing the Starting Line

A year ago, if you had asked me about long distance riding, you may have gotten a blank stare.  Little did I know there was a whole sport dedicated to breaking out of the ring and testing your determination, athleticism and… math?

A friend helped me out and in under  4 months, I was ready to ride with the Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association.  The 10 miles seemed like a marathon to me, but other riders were out for 50 miles that day.  It was the hottest day of the year, and I didn’t sleep at all from excitement.  My mount was also a first timer, and trotted circles around me as I prepared.

Sarah Cuthbertson (Me) and Almost Perfect (Owned by Carol Lewin) partaking in some down-time

My riding partner and I headed out at a brisk walk/trot pace as soon as the trail opened, within minutes away from base camp it became just another wonderful trail ride through the scenic forests.  “To finish is to win” is often uttered.   We had a great time riding the trail, we earned our completion in 2.25hrs, and it certainly felt like we had won that day. I will definitely be back again!

That ride was Set Speed and relatively new to OCTRA.   The goal is to complete the trail within certain time and pulse parameters; a grade is calculated based on how well you pace yourself within your abilities.  I warned you some math was involved!  Some of these rides offer placing, but generally Set Speed is a test against the trail, not other riders.  This makes it the perfect start for someone who wants to try their hand at distance. 

OCTRA also offers training rides for most disciplines as well as mileage options, where no scores are given -you just ride for fun and training!  You can find all the upcoming events at

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