Monday, March 12, 2012

Remembering Mona

We had an unfortunate surprise yesterday morning when Lee found Mona passed away during the night.  At that point, anything else that happened this weekend seemed irrelevant (I will write about the rest of my weekend later).  She was young and healthy so it was especially shocking for us.  Our best guess is that she had choked on some plastic (which she was always chewing on) as it went one way or another.

So I thought it would be appropriate to write about how she came into our lives and share a bit about her.

In summer of 2009, Lee and I were driving to his parent's house after a movie around 9pm.  We pulled up behind another car at a stop sign, and after the car ahead left, we saw a little kitty staggering across the road.  Of course, I threw open the car door and grabbed the cat... no words or questions.  I sat her on my lap and immediately started searching for vet phone numbers.  She was skin and bones and couldn't looks straight or keep her balance, her head was twisting and whirling around, but she was very content to stay in my lap.

We could not get a hold of any vets or humane associations that late at night, and knew she would have to come stay with us at Lees parents (who don't allow animals in the house!)  We snuck her down into the basement where we were staying and formed sort of a cage around her with carpet ends.  She was so disoriented, we doubted she would do much to escape or even make it through the night.  Every few hours we would get up to check on her, but on one check, she was missing!  I searched everywhere for her, and found her sleeping in our dirty clothes at the end of the bed.  She already won us over.

The next morning we took her to the vets and explained what happened.  They agreed to take her in but told us it didn't look promising, she was so malnourished and dehydrated and may have had neurological issues. 

We never stopped thinking about her and called frequently to see how she was doing.  All the staff had fallen in love with her at the humane association and pulled off a miracle in keeping her alive.  They said it wasn't easy, but we all knew she was worth it.  She was cleared for adoption by the end of the summer, and we eagerly awaited to hear that she had been adopted.  After 3 months, and surprisingly no adoption, we decided she was to be ours as we moved back to St. Catharine's for school.

Mona became a fast favorite with everyone in the family, she was so friendly, and although she was sometimes TOO friendly, she sure knew how to work a party.  This past year, she moved in with grandma and grandpa as a temporary solution as I was in between houses/jobs and did not end up leaving there, they loved her too!  I was even starting to be introduced as "Mona's Owner" instead "Our granddaughter"  Just goes to show how much of an impact she made.

Mona came back to our place after Christmas, this time we were classified as the kittysitter while grandma and grandpa are in Florida.

We are always going to miss her.  This is the last photo we had taken of her, licking the bathtub every time I got out of the shower.  One of her more harmless quirks.

It was hard to tell Abbey's reaction to it.  She snuggled with Lee all day, I think she could sense how sad he was.  After I came home she always wanted to be close to us and was acting a bit peculiar, napping in the handles of my purse or laying in a silly way.  She always seemed to be smiling, but wasn't acting like herself and was very quiet (usually she is very chatty with Lee and I).  She is very intuitive when it comes to our feelings, and I know it helped Lee through the rough time.

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